[69769] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Microsoft XP SP2 (was Re: Lazy network operators - NOT)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Scott Weeks)
Mon Apr 19 23:54:22 2004

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 17:53:45 -1000 (HST)
From: Scott Weeks <surfer@mauigateway.com>
To: "Dr. Jeffrey Race" <jrace@attglobal.net>
Cc: "nanog@nanog.org" <nanog@nanog.org>
In-Reply-To: <E1BFlkW-0000wa-00@smtp02.mrf.mail.rcn.net>
Errors-To: owner-nanog-outgoing@merit.edu

: >Think globally.  Even though this forum has NA as its heading, we need to
: >think globally when suggesting solutions.  You'll never get any sort of
: >licensing globally nor will you EVER get end users (globally) educated
: >enough to stop doing the things that they do which allow these events to
: >continually occur.
: Since many gateway service providers will not prevent insufficiently
: skilled users from connecting to the internet and injuring others, the
: only remaining solution, as far as I can see, is cutting connectivity
: with those enablers.  That is the proposal I advanced in
: <http://www.camblab.com/misc/univ_std.txt>.
: The logic seems quite simple: either fix all the users (impossible
: as you state) or keep them off the net (which you say many SPs won't
: do; I believe some will but many won't) so the only solution is to
: cut the latter off.

Neither can happen.  That's just another way of saying make all your users
skilled or go out of business.  For example, cutting granny out of the
$9.95 dialup service is comitting hari-kari for those that do that type of
business.  You'll never get her to complete training so she can send baby
pictures to all her friends.   Especially all the grannies in all the
countries globally.

: If you are not willing to do that, then you will just have to accept
: the spam and we might as well stop whining about it.  It is your
: choice.

While I'm listening to all the smart (and many not so) folks figure it
out, I can press "d" quickly.  I'm not whining, I'm listening intently...


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