[4926] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Need hints on proper default route selection

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Alan Hannan)
Wed Oct 2 14:11:21 1996

To: generous@uucom.com (Curtis Generous)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 12:59:24 -0500 (CDT)
Cc: nanog@merit.edu
In-Reply-To: <199610021735.NAA01818@rolex.uucom.com> from "Curtis Generous" at Oct 2, 96 01:35:46 pm
From: alan@mindvision.com (Alan Hannan)
Reply-To: alan@mindvision.com (Alan Hannan)

  Hi Curtis,

> The problem we have been experiencing now is that both NSP #1 and NSP
> #2 have been undergoing some major internal restructuring, causing
> daily change/loss of candidate net annoucements, or change in
> aggregation boundaries, etc..... making it a daily exercise at
> selecting proper candidate route selection.

> Can anyone provide an alternate or better strategy on how to deal with this?

  It would seem that NSP A and B would have some relatively static
  networks that they could tell you about.  Perhaps their noc lan or
  web farm addressing.  I realize this is rather a simple-ish fix,
  but you may wish to visit with some intelligent folk at the NSP to
  determine what these are.  I would question if there is
  renumbering/announcement changes, or if they are having "BGP
  configuration problems".

  Another solution, with some, but less, negative ramifications,
  would be to select 2 or 3 networks within each NSP.  Not a great
  fix, but a simple one to look at.

  A final solution would be to buy a 4700 w/ 64M of ram.  You should
  be able to handle full tables from 2 peers along w/ all your IGP
  on this box.  The port cost is not exceedingly high, and if you
  can afford the capital outlay, it sounds like it would be a rather
  good mediumish solution.

  Obviously the primary recommendation would be to "fix" the netedge
  problem, but I assume you're pursuing that.  The fact that your
  NSP is rather unstable is also a negative, but you can only do so
  much (before you leave them hint hint)



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