[4899] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Peering versus Transit

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Nathan Stratton)
Tue Oct 1 10:13:33 1996

Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 10:07:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Nathan Stratton <nathan@netrail.net>
To: Barney Wolff <barney@databus.com>
cc: nanog@merit.edu
In-Reply-To: <324fe2740.c29@databus.databus.com>

On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, Barney Wolff wrote:

> Er, why did the exchange operator let you put a router on their switching
> fabric if you're not peering there with somebody?  Are there actual
> cases of people with routers at NAPs/MAEs/xIXs who don't peer with anyone?

Well yes, MFS has let a few people at MAE-East who did not have any
peering, but that was more because MFS was able to sell something the
customer had no clue about. MFS then let them out of the contract. There
are also providers that have only small number of peers and then dump the
rest of the data at some peer without them knowing.

Nathan Stratton		  CEO, NetRail, Inc.    Tracking the future today!
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