[4895] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: "Basic BGP configuration problem"
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Vadim Antonov)
Tue Oct 1 03:10:42 1996
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 00:05:51 -0700
From: Vadim Antonov <avg@quake.net>
To: nanog@merit.edu, wsimpson@greendragon.com
William Allen Simpson <wsimpson@greendragon.com> wrote:
>> For a good laugh, call:
>> 800-669-8303
>> and select option 2.
>I did! Note that it was recorded at 7 pm, saying it would take 2 hours.
>Here it is at midnight....
How many real engineers they got? One and unhappy one at that?
When i was the only engineer there i had five times less customers
to tend to; and i had quite a stressful life.
The only reason for me leaving Sprint was woeful cluelessness
of management about realities of labour market in the field.