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mail-abuse.org down?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (jlewis@lewis.org)
Sat Jun 8 11:06:36 2002

Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 11:06:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: <jlewis@lewis.org>
To: <nanog@merit.edu>
Cc: <noc@ABOVE.NET>, <paul@VIX.COM>
Errors-To: owner-nanog-outgoing@merit.edu

Yesterday morning, I noticed mail-abuse.org appeared to be down
(unreachable). I checked again, and it's still unreachable.  In fact, I
can't even reach its name server.

I did some more looking last night, and it seems it's not down, it's just
unreachable from my network.  Even stranger, it's only unreachable from
Atlantic.Net's primary ARIN block of  Traceroutes die at
so-1-1-0.mpr1.sql1.us.mfnx.net (

Router interfaces (using provider IPs) and a smaller IP block from an ISP
we acquired are able to reach mail-abuse.org, as are other networks I have
access to.  We don't appear to be listed in the MAPS RBL+.  I've tried
clearing BGP sessions, forcing packets out through alternate paths, with
no affect.

Is this some weird routing glitch somewhere between me and MAPS or has
someone at MAPS or vix.com decided they don't like me?

Also, though it seems to be on a totally different network, I've just
noticed I have the same problem reaching f.root-servers.net only from  Here traceroutes die at 189.ATM11-0-0.BR1.PAO1.ALTER.NET

I certainly hope this isn't yet another case of someone confusing
Atlantic.Net/Internet Connect Company, Inc. with

   621 NW 53RD ST. SUIT E135
   BOCA RATON, FL 33487

   Netname: Q0417-65-124-104-0
   Netblock: -

Atlantic Internet is full of commercial spammers and has just recently
resulted in several providers blacklisting our primary ARIN block thinking
we were the same company.

 Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*|  I route
 System Administrator        |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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