[4807] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Peering versus Transit

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Deepak Jain)
Sun Sep 29 18:39:31 1996

Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 18:31:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Deepak Jain <deepak@jain.com>
To: Nathan Stratton <nathan@netrail.net>
cc: "Michael S. Ramsey" <msr@interpath.net>,
        William Allen Simpson <wsimpson@greendragon.com>, nanog@merit.edu
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.3.95.960929175210.6156B-100000@netrail.net>

> It is asymmetrical, but say you are hosting a lot of www sites and have
> mostly out-going traffic this solution will work and give you 10, or even
> 100 meg FDDI out, but only the size of your transit pipe in. 
> The main problem with is is that A) It is not ethical B) the provider
> you are doing this to will figure it out someday and see you in court C)
> it is not nice. :-)

This is something a few of our routing engineers have been joking a mom&pop 
ISP could do.

They get a 10 or 45Mbit connection from big six provider A.

They get a 100Mbit connection at Nap B.

They default all of their traffic at Nap B to Provider A's router at Nap 

This way they get [theoretically] up to 145Mbits into provider A's 
network and get the traffic back inside of provider A's network.

What are the various opinions on this behavior?



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