[4794] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Peering versus Transit

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Alan Hannan)
Sun Sep 29 13:26:17 1996

To: wsimpson@greendragon.com (William Allen Simpson)
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 12:22:48 -0500 (CDT)
Cc: nanog@merit.edu
In-Reply-To: <2103.wsimpson@greendragon.com> from "William Allen Simpson" at Sep 29, 96 04:24:42 pm
From: alan@mindvision.com (Alan Hannan)
Reply-To: alan@mindvision.com (Alan Hannan)

  Hi Bill,

> I can see no justification under any circumstances why any provider
> would refuse to peer with another at an established exchange point for
> exchanging their _own_ customers' traffic!

  I can give you three:

     1/	LargeISP does not want to spend the X hours it takes to
  	bring up a peering session for SmallISP's routes.  The
  	benefit gained to SmallISP's 5 routes is not great enough.

     2/ LargeISP does not have confidence in SmallISPs ability to
  	properly administer a safe BGP peering connection, and
  	believes that there is high risk involved with such.

     3/ LargeISP knows that if they don't peer with SmallISP, their
  	customers won't care.  LargeISP knows that if SmallISP can't
  	get traffic to LargeISP, they will have a poor service.
  	LargeISP knows SmallISP will then/therefore buy
  	peering/transit (prolly from them).  [this perpetuates the
  	small number of global palyers model]

  I don't see that this is necessarily "correct" justification, but
  it is justification.


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