[4767] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Top-50 Report

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Tony Bates)
Sat Sep 28 01:48:43 1996

To: nanog@merit.edu
cc: ripe-list@ripe.net
In-reply-to: Your message of Thu, 26 Sep 1996 11:48:05 BST.
From: Tony Bates <tbates@cisco.com>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 17:15:55 -0700

Actually - as of this week I mailed it automatically to 

nanog@merit.edu, eof-list@ripe.net, apops@apnic.net

However, for some reason I dont see the nanog message. not sure
why. This is partly a test to see if I see this one.


 Tony Barber <tonyb@uunet.pipex.com> writes:
  * Tony Bates wrote:
  * >
  * >
  * >This is a list of the "Top 50" players who if CIDRizing at the AS level
  * >could make a significant gain in the reduction of the size of Internet
  * >routing tables. This may be an over-estimation but it is hoped that
  * >this  can act as an incentive for the "Top 50" and others to look at 
  * >their CIDR capability. This is a revival of report that used to be
  * >posted in the early days of CIDR deployment (we even had a cidrd list
  * >and working group then).
  * >
  * >This looks purely at the classful routes in the system and shows what gain
  *  if
  * >cidrizing at the AS-level could be made by forming an aggregate.
  * >
  * >			--Tony
  * >
  * >P.S. Same caveat about AS name mappings not working quite right yet.
  * >P.P.S. Unless there are loud objections I plan to automate this again soon
  * .
  * >
  * The above is an excellent idea. Perhaps if you could mail the output to
  * nanog and ripe-list the peer pressure would help and in some cases inform
  * LIRS/ISPs what they may unknowingly be doing wrong.
  * RIPE did this earlier inthe year for the European registries and it worked.
  * Is there an APNIC equivelant ?
  * It would also be a good idea IMHO if the Global registries (APNIC RIPE INTE
  * RNIC)had email lists, alongthe lines of the ones RIPE runs, which it encour
  * aged 
  * new 'customers' to join. This may be the nearest we get to a global
  * isp email list.
  * Regards
  * Tony

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