[4725] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Advice on dealing with Sprint

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Alan Hannan)
Thu Sep 26 14:46:53 1996

From: Alan Hannan <alan@anka.mindvision.com>
To: chris@nap.net (Chris A. Icide)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 13:05:19 -0500 (CDT)
Cc: deepak@jain.com, neil@EASYNET.NET, hank@rem.com, jon@worf.netins.net,
        nanog@merit.edu, rob@rjl.com, smm@uu.net
In-Reply-To: <01BBABAE.22C02EA0@Mallard.nap.net> from "Chris A. Icide" at Sep 26, 96 01:25:05 pm

>  I'm extremely suprised that this is their stance.  I'm pressed to find a
> technical reason behind such a requirement.  The 7000 is a Motorola 68XXX
> based system, and the 4500/4700 is a risc based system.  There have been
> performance tests that have shown that the 45/47 boxes out perform the 
> 7000 boxes.  I'd be very interested in hearing Sprints' reasoning on this.

  And don't even THINK about using a 75xx!  :-)

? On another subject, does anyone know of a source showing the
  hardware/software of choice at different NAPs?

  It would be interesting to see what percent is Cisco (>90%), Bay,
  *BSD, and etc....


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