[4723] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: Advice on dealing with Sprint
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Avi Freedman)
Thu Sep 26 14:28:00 1996
From: Avi Freedman <freedman@netaxs.com>
To: jmalcolm@UU.NET (Joseph Malcolm)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 13:02:47 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: jmalcolm@UU.NET, nathan@netrail.net, rob@rjl.com, hank@rem.com,
jon@worf.netins.net, nanog@merit.edu
In-Reply-To: <QQbivz21326.199609261650@tenebrous.uu.net> from "Joseph Malcolm" at Sep 26, 96 12:50:42 pm
> Avi Freedman writes:
> >Hmm... Do you have any of these boxes?
> I do speak from some personal experience, yes.
> >My impression is that a 4500 w/ 3 or 4 full views still takes well
> >under 24mb, and doesn't impact the performance of the box at all.
> There are many unaccounted for variables here. You certainly don't
> have as many unadvertised more specifics as we do, as much stuff in
> the IGP, etc., etc. Those doing less will get some more breathing
Yes, a huge IGP (thousands of routes) is an issue that most people
choosing 4500s vs. 7010s don't have to face :)
> room, but unless many more people get more more serious about reducing
> global routing tables it won't be too long before 32MB will not be
> enough for anyone.