[4701] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: Advice on dealing with Sprint
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Randy Bush)
Thu Sep 26 08:13:20 1996
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 96 05:09 PDT
From: randy@psg.com (Randy Bush)
To: Peter Galbavy <peter@wonderland.org>
Cc: nanog@merit.edu
> Simple really. Sprint have a back-door deal with Cisco, either
> for money or favours (like getting bugs fixed :-) that means that
> they will only allow Cisco boxes to connect.
First, careful readers of this forum would have noticed that the head of
SL Ops said right here that the restriction is non-op.
Second, the reasons suppliers of service (in general, not just internet)
ask customers to standardize on CPE is that experience has taught us that
in 99% of the cases we are going to be dealing with the CPE. "Against our
wills, Papa! Against our wills!"
The solution I recommend is for the provider to charge T&M for dealing
with CPE which they do not supply. When presented with the real costs,
consumers tend toward wiser decisions.