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Re: Bob Metcalfe: Infoworld Sept 23 page 46 Which young brat?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Avi Freedman)
Mon Sep 23 23:07:28 1996

From: Avi Freedman <freedman@netaxs.com>
To: inet-access@earth.com
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 23:01:39 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: nanog@merit.edu
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSI.3.93.960923184729.891J-100000@sidhe.memra.com> from "Michael Dillon" at Sep 23, 96 06:48:18 pm

> On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Christopher Sevcik wrote:
> > In his excellent article in the Info world which I received today, he
> > referred to a young ISP brat.
> > 
> > Who's he referring to? 

He appears to be talking about me.
I sent him e-mail explaining that I was mis-quoted.
What I *said* was "Some say that Metcalfe ...".
What was printed was something like "Freedman says that Metcalfe ...".

Though, given the gigacollapse predictions which he made - combined
with the fact that it's extraordinarily difficult to believe that
he actually *believed* them - the quote might have started "Metcalfe has
become a journalist, more interested in gaining readership than in 
using his formidable experience to help with the operational and 
architectural problems that the Internet community is facing..." if I had 
been asked for a quote about Metcalfe.  Which I wasn't...

> Didn't the print version give the URL of thie document containing this:
> Avi sums it up: "Metcalfe has become an elder statesman and
> ... to read the rest go to
> http://www.forbes.com/asap/gilder/telecosm18.html
> Michael Dillon                   -               ISP & Internet Consulting

Anyway: wow, I can't believe it.

I might have surpassed Sean Doran as the official Brat-boy of the ISP/
NSP community.

Maybe I'll get Sean to pen my letter to the editor in reply to his brat


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