[4654] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: New Denial of Service Attack on Panix

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Edgar Der-Danieliantz)
Mon Sep 23 04:34:24 1996

From: Edgar Der-Danieliantz <edd@aic.net>
To: brian@dxcoms.cern.ch (Brian Carpenter   CERN-CN)
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 12:23:35 +0400 (AMT)
Cc: peter@home.pipex.com, hwb@nlanr.net, nanog@merit.edu, iepg@iepg.org
In-Reply-To: <9609230614.AA10517@dxcoms.cern.ch> from "Brian Carpenter   CERN-CN" at Sep 23, 96 08:14:43 am
Reply-To: edd@acm.org

> > We just need to put out a request to ISPs
> > 
> Peter, how do you suggest sending a request "directly" to all
> ISPs in the world? Is there is a mailing list for them?

I guess it is possible to send them (requests) to techcontacts of all NET domains. 
Of course,
there are many ISPs in COM too, but it's better than nothing...

Just my 1c,


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