[4649] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: New Denial of Service Attack on Panix
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Peter Dawe)
Sun Sep 22 11:57:50 1996
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.3.94.960921100127.2507A-100000@orion.teledesic.com>
To: Hans-Werner Braun <hwb@nlanr.net>
Reply-To: peter@home.pipex.com
Cc: nanog@merit.edu, iepg@iepg.org
From: Peter Dawe <dh43@dial.pipex.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 96 11:10:25 GMT
ISP implementing filters for packets with false source addresses.
Why does there need to be co-ordination? Surely most ISPs would implement=
this now they know there is a problem and they can fix it.
We just need to put out a request to ISPs
I would suggest this is done directly rather than through 'bodies' such =
Peter Dawe
Hans-Werner Braun said...
> I am actually fairly serious. The tremendous amount of email this
> generated amazes me. With the amount of effort going into that, I
> suspect may be 40% or more of the problem could already be alleviated
> if people would just go out and coordinate and do it. Yes, it will not
> resolve things at the 100th percentile, but what are we optimizing for?=
> solution for generations to come? Or something that helps, and that
> can perhaps be augmented by some other means, such as spot
> measurements (especially for events that last hours).
> All reminds me actually a little of the movie Star Trek Generations,
> when Picard an Soran were on this planet, about minutes away from the
> whole star system being blown to kingdom come, Picard helplessly throwi=
> little rocks at the shield, and Soran asking him something like "don't
> you have anything better to do."
Peter Dawe All messag=
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Peter@home.pipex.com; +44 (0) 1223 237700; GSM +44 (0) 385 394554
71 High Street, Oakington, CAMBRIDGE, CB4 5AG, UK