[4630] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: syn attack and source routing
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Paul Ferguson)
Sat Sep 21 11:45:05 1996
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 11:41:45 -0400
To: John Hawkinson <jhawk@bbnplanet.com>
From: Paul Ferguson <pferguso@cisco.com>
Cc: nanog@merit.edu
Deja vu.
Didn't this same topic crop up a couple of years ago when the
IP spoofing-sky-is-falling scare began? If I'm not remiss, the
discussion drifted towards encouraging end-system networks to
disable source-routing at the entrance to their networks if
they were paranoid, but encourage ISP's & transit providers
to allow it.
- paul
At 01:18 PM 9/18/96 -0400, John Hawkinson wrote:
>Worst case, those folks feeling victimized can (and do!) simply shut
>it off.
>This is a very different case from that of SYN flooding, where the
>victims are powerless to stop it.
>Please don't take our LSRR away from us, it is very useful.
>Campaigning to remove something just because you suspect it might be
>bad is really not nice -- it will result in random clueless people
>believeing you when perchance they should not :-)