[4626] in North American Network Operators' Group

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filtering out reserved AS numbers

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Rob Liebschutz)
Fri Sep 20 12:28:57 1996

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 96 8:49:41 PDT
From: Rob Liebschutz <rob@rjl.com>
To: nanog@merit.edu
Cc: curtis@ans.net, hgarcia@sunmex.mty.itesm.mx

I just noticed in the route server statistics web pages, that ANS is
passing along a route to a network in AS 64512, somewhere in Mexico,
which we are in turn also passing to our clients.

I thought about filtering these AS numbers, but decided that it gets
too costly to filter reserved AS numbers that might appear in
arbitrary places in the ASPATH.


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