[4623] in North American Network Operators' Group
FW: MINDANAO: SYN Flooding Attack resulting in "Denial of ISP Service"
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Bernard S. Lopuz)
Thu Sep 19 23:59:24 1996
From: "Bernard S. Lopuz" <bslopuz@natsteel.mozcom.com>
To: "'nanog@merit.edu'" <nanog@merit.edu>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 10:49:19 +-800
just wud like to inquire abt this news......
From: Weedy Tan[SMTP:weedy@mnl.sequel.net]
Sent: Friday, September 20, 1996 1:21 AM
To: mindanao-l@teleport.com
Subject: MINDANAO: SYN Flooding Attack resulting in "Denial of ISP Service"
Dear FOM and in particular, ISPs in Mindanao
Just like to inform you that there is a raging discussion about SYN
attack in the USA resulting in the shutdown of an ISP.
For more information, you can subscribe to "nanog@merit.edu"
Weedy Tan
S R Printing, 810 Benavidez St., Binondo, Manila 1006, Philippines
Tels: (632)2448306; (632)2448325 Fax: (632)2448325
Email: weedy@mnl.sequel.net
Visit my home page at "http://www.sequel.net/~weedy"