[4611] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: FDDI concentrator w/DC power

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Steve Feldman)
Thu Sep 19 14:24:31 1996

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 11:18:08 -0700
From: feldman@MFSDatanet.COM (Steve Feldman)
To: nanog@merit.edu, matthew@scruz.net

> I cannot find a FDDI concentrator that runs on -48 VDC. Is there a
> product I've missed?  This shortage of DC-powered concentrators might
> explain some of the transient outages during power problems at MAE-East,
> perhaps?

The FDDI concentrators at MAE East (along with all the other AC-powered
infrastructure equipment) are powered by a UPS with at least 5 hours of
battery power.  In addition, all customer equipment co-located at the
1919 Gallows P-1 MAE facility is powered by the UPS.

Here's a note from the facilities manager for MAE East on the subject of
    MAE East at 1919 Gallows Road P-1 level is configured as follows:

    - four (4) two hundred amp Lorain rectifiers.
    - three (3) 1600 amp battery stacks.
    - one (1) 30 KVA UPS system.
    - generator umbilical is installed for use with MFS owned 150 KW
      mobile generator when required. Generator can be on site within
      one hour and has sufficient fuel to run for 24 hours.
    All racks installed at MAE East are equipped with a multi outlet power
    strip with a dedicated 20 amp AC circuit to the UPS system.  Therefore
    all customer electronics and all MFS equipment requiring AC power are
    provided with filtered AC power via the UPS and have a five hour
    battery reserve.  In addition, all racks have a minimum of 15 amps DC
    power to a Hendry fuse panel.  This panel is served via the DC power
    plant which provides a minimum of eight  hours of battery reserve.

    The standard MFS offering does not include UPS power in the MAE
    facilities.  At MAE East we have gone one better and provided all
    customers with UPS.  This is a premium  service provided at no
    additional cost.

    As a final note, we are about to begin construction to upgrade
    facilities at both 8100 Boone Blvd. and MAE East.  This work will
    include the installation of a permanent 900 KW generator.


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