[4590] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: A modest proposal

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Kelly J. Cooper)
Wed Sep 18 19:15:37 1996

From: "Kelly J. Cooper" <kcooper@noc.bbn.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 19:10:29 -0400
In-Reply-To: "Robert E. Seastrom" <rs@bifrost.seastrom.com>
        "Re: A modest proposal" (Sep 18,  6:54pm)
To: nanog@merit.edu

On Sep 18,  6:54pm, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
*   *   From: Dalvenjah FoxFire <dalvenjah@dal.net>
*   *
*   *   I haven't used any myself, but apparently there are several software
*   *   packages out there with a pretty graphical front end, complete with
*   *   Hollywood-style "Click to destroy machine" buttons and menus.
*   *
*   *Uh huh, right.  If you ever actually see anything like this, lemme know.
*   Ok, RS.
*   One piece of software is called UpYours! and it's a mailbombing
*   tool built by a group called "Global kOS" to run over Windows95.  
*   It's got a lovely interface including buttons for "BOMB" "ULTRA"
*   and "STOP" with an input window for "Countdown" start & stop 
*How did the topic get changed from packet-spewing attacks to
*application-layer attacks?  

It didn't.  Dalvenjah stated attack software packages with graphical
front ends existed.  You expressed doubt.  I responded with evidence.
Just because this one happens to be application layer doesn't mean 
there aren't others out there to run any number of different attacks.  
The tools are being built.  They are designed with ease of use in

How did the topic change from fighting network attacks to nit-picking? 
My point was the possibility for widespread use of simplistic attack 
mechanisms.  Even if they're trivial to block, with enough attackers 
using them with enough varying patterns, saturation becomes the issue 
no matter what the exploit.

Kelly J.

Kelly J. Cooper                 Network Operations Security
BBN Planet Corporation          phone   800-632-7638 
150 Cambridge Park Drive        fax     617-873-6351 
Cambridge, MA  02140            http://www.bbnplanet.com

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