[4573] in North American Network Operators' Group

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RE: NANOG Meeting

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Danny Stroud)
Wed Sep 18 13:35:39 1996

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 96 17:03:02 UT
From: "Danny Stroud" <dannystroud@msn.com>
To: nanog@home.merit.edu, "Pam Ciesla" <pam@merit.edu>
Cc: "Danny Stroud (email MSN)" <dannystroud@msn.com>,
        "Andrew Partan" 
        "Chris DeMarche" <demarche@ix.netcom.com>,
        "Dan Vortherms 
	(email)" <dvortherms@gnn.com>,
        "John Gainer (email)" <jgainer@ix.netcom.com>,
        "Kathy Vinson" <kvinson@worldnet.att.net>,
        "Randy Bush" <randy@psg.com>, "Whitney Fogt" <wfogt@msn.com>

Yes, I do want to get a room. Kathy, can you reserve a room for me the same 
nights Randy Bush is there? Thank you. 

we will need to make reservations for all Whitney, Chris and John. I think 
Andrew and Randy are already set. We are going to have a staff meeting 
pre-NANOG. des

From:  Pam Ciesla
Sent:  Wednesday, September 18, 1996 8:58 AM
To:  nanog@home.merit.edu
Subject:  NANOG Meeting

NOTE: Hotel rooms are in high demand.  If you are planning on attending
this meeting please reserve your hotel ASAP.  I have had hotels calling
requesting that room blocks be released because they a waiting list for
rooms on the meeting dates.
  Pam Ciesla

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