[4564] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: New Denial of Service Attack on Panix

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Stan Barber)
Wed Sep 18 11:37:38 1996

From: sob@academ.com (Stan Barber)
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 10:26:03 CDT
To: Tim Bass <bass@cactus.silkroad.com>, almes@advanced.org (Guy T Almes)
Cc: kwe@6SigmaNets.com, nanog@merit.edu, iepg@iepg.org

Tim writes:
> How about commercial organizations (such as NANOG, CIX) expanding
> their charter to basic R&D into reinforcing security weaknesses
> within their mutual are of commerical interest?

Last I checked, NANOG was not a commerical organization. Tim, can you
provide more information about this?

Stan   | Academ Consulting Services        |internet: sob@academ.com
Olan   | For more info on academ, see this |uucp: {mcsun|amdahl}!academ!sob
Barber | URL- http://www.academ.com/academ |Opinions expressed are only mine.

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