[4550] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: syn attack and source routing

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Hank Nussbacher)
Wed Sep 18 05:08:50 1996

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 96 11:00:49 UTC
From: Hank Nussbacher <hank@ibm.net.il>
To: bwatson@genuity.net, curtis@ans.net
Cc: nanog@merit.edu

On Wed, 18 Sep 1996 03:17:27 -0400  Curtis Villamizar wrote:
>If source routing is blocked at the end site it doesn't help any
>toturn it off in the backbones and turning it off destroys the ability
>to trace routing problems that customers report (short of finger
>pointing to another provider or giving the customer the run around by
>successive handoffs to other NOCs debugging, any "I can't get there
>from here" is sort of hopeless if you can't traceroute -g).

Since more and more are blocking source routing and breaking traceroute -g
then those that block it at their router should at the very least make 
a WWW traceroute available from their system so as to diagnose those
problems you mention.  Almost all those that I have in my web site
(http://www.ibm.net.il/traceroute) are customers connected to major ISPs.
I think the 10 majors should have on their backbones a WWW traceroute
as above.



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