[4545] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: advisory attribute in IRR
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mr. Jeremy Hall)
Wed Sep 18 02:21:12 1996
From: "Mr. Jeremy Hall" <jhall@rex.isdn.net>
To: curtis@ans.net
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 01:18:30 -0500 (CDT)
Cc: nanog@merit.edu
In-Reply-To: <199609170534.BAA03529@brookfield.ans.net> from "Curtis Villamizar" at Sep 17, 96 01:34:15 am
-->In message <199609152255.RAA04030@rex.isdn.net>, "Mr. Jeremy Hall" writes:
-->> -->
-->> -->Can anyone give me a pointer to information on what the advisory attribute
-->> -->in the IRR does and who pays any attention to that attribute?
-->> -->
-->> -->Thanks.
-->> -->
-->> [nostats.Reston.mci.net]
-->> route:
-->> descr: ISDNET-NET
-->> origin: AS279
-->> withdrawn: 941122
-->> advisory: AS690 1:3561
-->> notify: nacr@sura.net
-->> mnt-by: SURA
-->> changed: sherk@sura.net 950517
-->> source: MCI
-->> IMHO this means that when telling AS690 about this route to prefer 3561
-->> as an exit point.
-->> Is this correct?
-->It means no one deleted the advisory field after the field's use was
-->depricated in October 1995.
well since we're into deprecated attributes, what did the comm_list
attribute do? It appears to be gone now from that route, but at one time
it was there and I think I can still dig through some to find it. The
attribute always said, comm_list: comm_NSFNET
| Jeremy Hall Network Engineer |
| ISDN-Net, Inc Office +1-615-371-1625 |
| Nashville, TN and the southeast USA |
| jhall@isdn.net Pager +1-615-702-0750 |