[4539] in North American Network Operators' Group

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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Curtis Villamizar)
Tue Sep 17 23:40:21 1996

To: nanog@merit.edu
Reply-To: /dev/null@ans.net
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 23:34:30 -0400
From: Curtis Villamizar <curtis@ans.net>

*****   Off Topic - Delete now if you are humor impaired!   *****

Here's a recent incident and an earlier one I just found amusing
enough to keep.  These are both voice services, not data.  I honestly
wish I had saved more of these.  There have been quite a few and some
had some entertaimnent value.

Please respect the "Reply-To".  This *isn't* worth further discussion.


ps- thought we needed some cheering up.  If word gets out about this
people might be reluctant to use voice services.  ;-)

pps- if IP service is as bad as Bell Atlantic Answer Call then people
will leave their IP service provider so in a sense that's no joke.

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Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 08:59:42 -0700
From: "Carol Harvey" <harvey@reston.ans.net>
To: ans-world@ans.net
Cc: ans-reston@ans.net
Subject: Voice Mail
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There is a system-wide outage of the Bell Atlantic Answer Call (Voice Mail) in 
the Northern Virginia Area.  They are working on the problem and will restore 
voice mail as soon as possible.

The good news is -- we get our own in-house voice mail with our new phone 
system this Friday.  


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Received: from interlock.ans.net (interlock.ans.net []) by brookfield.ans.net (8.7.4/8.7.3) with SMTP id WAA12714 for <curtis@brookfield.ans.net>; Tue, 23 Apr 1996 22:54:14 -0400 (EDT)
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Date: Tue, 23 Apr 96 22:53:25 EDT
From: David Bolen <db3l@ans.net>
To: ans-world@ans.net
Subject: Elmsford phones: It's alive!

@begin(heavy sarcasm)

Well, that was fun...

@end(heavy sarcasm)

Ok, our local PRI to NYNEX has been restored.  While the backup
analog connections still require the PBX cards that are getting
replaced tomorrow, since the primary route (the PRI) has been
restored, all phone services should be back to normal.  Direct
dialing Elmsford extensions is again working, Elmsford users can make
800 number calls, and local calls from Elmsford are going out over
the local circuits.

For those interested...

It turns out that my "lost" NYNEX technician did in fact find some
problems in the basement (rather than in the NYNEX shelf in the lab,
which only needed a fuse replaced), but it was in gear he wasn't in
the right group to "touch".  So when he finally showed up again
(around 8pm) he informed me he had requested that the "Hi-Tech" group
(T1 and data services) dispatch someone.

Luckily, they work 24 hours, and are generally on top of things.  A
pair (lookie - _two_ techs showed up at once to work together, what a
concept) got here by about 10:15pm, and everything was up and running
again within 20-30 minutes, after replacing some gear in the basement.

So it only took me about 55 hours to get an appropriate crew from
NYNEX to show up to handle a 20 minute, "obvious" job... I don't know
whether to laugh in relief that it's over or cry in despair over what
it took....

But we're back up.

- -- David

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