[4522] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: advisory attribute in IRR
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Curtis Villamizar)
Tue Sep 17 20:41:15 1996
To: Alan Hannan <alan@gi.net>
cc: curtis@ans.net, marcs@alive.ampr.ab.ca, nanog@merit.edu
Reply-To: curtis@ans.net
In-reply-to: Your message of "Tue, 17 Sep 1996 01:11:42 CDT."
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 20:31:31 -0400
From: Curtis Villamizar <curtis@ans.net>
In message <199609170611.BAA18883@westie.gi.net>, Alan Hannan writes:
> Curtis,
> While they don't inherently do anything terribly nifty, they do maintain
> stateful legacy information for some folks. ( Especially folks who
> were around when AS690 ruled the world :)
> Some folks have built their scripted route filter list generation
> off of the information listed in the advisory field.
> Maybe those people should do it in another way, but the advisory
> field is actively used be some.
> -alan
> chief harbinger of advisory scripts
grep av: *.db.save | awk '{print $2;}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
1 AS2551
1 AS3819
1 AS4690
1 AS6113
1 AS6461
1 AS6467
1 AS93
2 AS4200
2 AS6151
3 AS3491
7 AS668
8 AS1800
8 AS6076
12 AS6122
64 AS3561
70 AS1239
186 AS1275
60957 AS690
Well.. I stand corrected. It's just the 60,957 AS690 advisories that
do absolutely nothing.
> ......... Curtis Villamizar is rumored to have said:
> ]
> ]
> ] In message <Pine.BSF.3.95.960915124710.8860B-100000@alive.ampr.ab.ca>, Marc
> Sle
> ] mko writes:
> ] > Can anyone give me a pointer to information on what the advisory attribut
> e
> ] > in the IRR does and who pays any attention to that attribute?
> ] >
> ] > Thanks.
> ]
> ]
> ] They do nothing and no one pays attention to them. They used to do
> ] something for about 5 months but everone hated them.
> ]
> ] Curtis
> ]
> ] ps- blame Merit. :-)
> ]