[4487] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: New Denial of Service Attack on Panix

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Dick St.Peters)
Tue Sep 17 14:55:28 1996

Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 14:51:05 -0400
From: "Dick St.Peters" <stpeters@NetHeaven.com>
To: George Herbert <gherbert@crl.com>
Cc: Michael Dillon <michael@memra.com>, nanog@merit.edu, iepg@iepg.org
In-Reply-To: <199609170407.AA29031@mail.crl.com>

George Herbert writes:

> Simple for Livingstons...
> create a filter "internet.out"
> Contents:
> three lines for each net block you have:
> 	permit tcp
> 	permit udp
> 	permit icmp

Actually, a single "permit" line will do.  In Livingston
command line syntax:

	set filter internet.out 1 permit

> final line to log (optional) MUST COME AFTER permit list for netblocks:
> 	deny log
> The final line will have the router syslog a message any time someone
> tries to send from an address outside your blocks, as defined in the
> rest of the filter.  This is optional.  Keep in mind that the panix
> attack would probably have flooded your syslog machine's disk space
> with syslog info in this case.  Hardening that is an issue for another day,
> however.

Logging denies will fill up your log anyway.  Packets arriving for a
dialup user after he/she hangs up fall through to the default route
back out of the box.  They are then _outbound_ packets with source
address off the network and destination address on the network.

Dialup providers who want to log denies based on a source address
being on their network should have a preceding unlogged deny based on
the destination address being on their network:

	set filter internet.out 1 permit
	set filter internet.out 2 deny
	set filter internet.out 3 deny log

Dick St.Peters,       Gatekeeper, Pearly Gateway, Ballston Spa, NY
stpeters@NetHeaven.com     Owner, NetHeaven 518-885-1295/800-910-6671
Albany/Saratoga/Glens Falls/North Creek/Lake Placid/Blue Mountain Lake
	  First Internet service based in the 518 area code

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