[4484] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: SYN flood messages flooding my mailbox
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jonathan M. Bresler)
Tue Sep 17 14:36:54 1996
From: "Jonathan M. Bresler" <jmb@freefall.freebsd.org>
To: curtis@ans.net
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 11:32:47 -0700 (PDT)
Cc: freedman@netaxs.com, nanog@merit.edu
In-Reply-To: <199609171736.NAA06744@brookfield.ans.net> from "Curtis Villamizar" at Sep 17, 96 01:36:28 pm
Curtis Villamizar wrote:
> In message <199609161637.MAA20184@netaxs.com>, Avi Freedman writes:
> >
> > > implementation. This is a denial of service exposure that has gone
> > > unaddressed in host implementations until recently. BSD now uses a
> > > hash table on the TCP PCBs (protocol control blocks in the kernel) and
> > > with change of removal of the check can support close to 64K-2000 PCBs
> >
> > Hmm. Interesting. I was told that NetBSD did not...
> > Which version of BSD should I look at? A hash table on a static array of
> > PCBs is a much better solution than letting a linked list get to 2000
> > entries...
> Oops. That's in a BSDI patch (PATCH K210-019) but I'm not sure about
> FreeBSD or NetBSD distributions since I don't have one handy.
The SYN_RCVD bug has been fixed in FreeBSD source.
i should know, i wrote the patch.
as a result, the attacker has to sink the machine in less than
75 seconds, else it begins to free resources. before the patch
the attacker had ~11 minutes to do the deed. (would have been
2 hours but for retransmission of the SYN-ACK packet by the target)
the bug is dicsussed in detail on page 191 of tcp/ip illustrated
by rick stevens.
we have not yet moved to a hask table. soon.
our SO_MAXCONN is 128, rather than the common 5.
Jonathan M. Bresler FreeBSD Postmaster jmb@FreeBSD.ORG
FreeBSD--4.4BSD Unix for PC clones, source included. http://www.freebsd.org/
PGP 2.6.2 Fingerprint: 31 57 41 56 06 C1 40 13 C5 1C E3 E5 DC 62 0E FB
> Curtis
> ps- (My 6 year old has a FreeBSD system, but its 2.0.5. Got to get
> him to upgrade. :)
darn tooting! ;)