[4456] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: New Denial of Service Attack on Panix

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Alan Hannan)
Tue Sep 17 02:11:30 1996

From: Alan Hannan <alan@gi.net>
To: jfbb@atmnet.net (Jim Browning)
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 01:06:46 -0500 (CDT)
Cc: paul@vix.com, nanog@merit.edu, iepg@iepg.org
In-Reply-To: <01BBA419.1CBE6CC0@jfbb.atmnet.net> from "Jim Browning" at Sep 16, 96 09:50:43 pm


  Could we drop the SYN/Denial thread?  It's becoming rather base.

  I think there are other larger issues at stake in the world, like
  routing table growth, code problems, and short-thinking providers
  who don't retain talent to intelligently/reliably grow their network.

  If the thread is of continued significant benefit, I'd be happy to
  host a mail list.

  SYNDRIVEL, there's a name.  Perhaps another could be suggested?
  Please don't thread off that question :-)


.........  Jim Browning is rumored to have said:
] >From:  Paul A Vixie[SMTP:paul@vix.com]
] >Sent:  Monday, September 16, 1996 9:44 PM
] >
] >> Rather than "educate the enemy" via public discussion, I think it would 
] be
] >> best if those capable of contributing to solutions to this problem:
] >>
] >> 1.   Collaborated in private
] >> 2.   Developed a consensus "I-D"
] >>
] >> If a solution is developed whose effectiveness is not weakened by making 
] >> the details public, it can be published.  If that is not the case, the
] >> solution can be made available in private to "known entities".
] >>
] >> Make sense?
] >
] >No, I don't think it makes sense.  Aside from the lawsuits targetting you
] >for conspiracy if you don't include everybody who needs the ongoing 
] partial
] >results in order to stay in business, there is NO solution to this that
] >depends on any kind of algorythmic privacy.
] Paul, since you have stepped forward to risk lawsuits from blacklisted 
] spammers, it would only be fair for one of the rest of us to accept 
] liability for this one.  Where do I sign up?     ;-)
] I hope you are right, as the public discussion clearly is very 
] worthwhile...
] --
] Jim

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