[4326] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Re[2]: SYN floods (was: does history repeat itself?)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Justin W. Newton)
Thu Sep 12 14:34:37 1996

Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 14:43:29 -0400
To: curtis@ans.net, pcalhoun@usr.com (Pat Calhoun)
From: "Justin W. Newton" <justin@erols.com>
Cc: nanog@merit.edu, "Perry E. Metzger" <perry@piermont.com>

At 01:44 PM 9/12/96 -0400, Curtis Villamizar wrote:
>I agree with you completely -- sort of.  Only problem is there are
>thought to be some 3,000 dial access providers.  Many of them barely
>know what a TCP SYN is, let alone why they need to block ones with
>random source addresses and how.  Unless of course you are
>volunteering to explain it and help them.  Thanks in advance.  :-)

We are currently blocking any outgoing packets which have a source address
which is not advertised by us.  I have also crossposted Avi's and Craig's
access filter list for Border routers to the inet-access mailing list which
has approx 2,000 subscribers, mostly small ISP's.  Maybe it'll help.  Maybe

Justin Newton
Internet Architect
Erol's Internet Services

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