[159766] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: Suggestions for the future on your web site: (was cookies, and
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Matt Palmer)
Mon Jan 21 02:11:20 2013
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 17:19:26 +1100
From: Matt Palmer <mpalmer@hezmatt.org>
To: nanog@nanog.org
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On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 06:33:33PM -0600, Jimmy Hess wrote:
> On 1/18/13, Matt Palmer <mpalmer@hezmatt.org> wrote:
> > Primarily abuse prevention. If I can get a few thousand people to do
> > something resource-heavy (or otherwise abusive, such as send an e-mail
> > somewhere) within a short period of time, I can conscript a whole army of
> > unwitting accomplices into my dastardly plan. It isn't hard to drop
> You can prevent this without cookies. Include a canary value in the
> form; either a nonce stored on the server, or a hash of a secret
> key, timestamp, form ID, URL, and the client's IP address.
Nonce on the server is a scalability hazard (as previously discussed). You
can't put a timestamp in a one-way hash, because then you've got to hash all
possible valid timestamps to make sure that the hash the user gave you isn't
one you'll accept.
You *can* put all those details into the form, then generate a HMAC (or
symmetrically encrypt those details) to prevent tampering, but without
server-side storage -- again, scalability hazard -- you can't prevent replay
attacks (for as long as the timestamp is valid).
The problem with this method, though, is that the only thing that stops the
attacker from retrieving the entire chunk of data out of your form and
tricking the client into submitting it is the client IP address. Now,
you've got a decent idea here:
> If the form is submitted without the correct POST value, if their IP
> address changed, or after too many seconds since the timestamp,
> then redisplay the form to the user, with a request for them to
> visually inspect and confirm the submission.
Which is decidedly more user-friendly than most people implement, but
suffers from the problem that some subset of your userbase is going to be
using a connection that doesn't have a stable IP address, and it won't take
too many random "please re-confirm the form submission you made" requests
before the user gives your site the finger and goes to find something better
to do.
I just realised that I may have been insufficiently clear in my original
request. I'm not looking for *any* solution to the CSRF problem that
doesn't involve cookies; I'm after a solution that has a better cost/benefit
than cookies.
Things that require me to worry (more) about scalability are out, as are
things that annoy a larger percentage of my userbase than cookies (at least
with cookies, I can say "you're not accepting cookies, please turn them on",
whereas with randomly resubmitting forms, I can't say "please stop changing
your IP address" because that might not even be the problem).
- Matt