[159740] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: Device specifically made for high capacity GRE tunnels for dozens
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Julien Goodwin)
Sat Jan 19 01:55:33 2013
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 17:55:19 +1100
From: Julien Goodwin <nanog@studio442.com.au>
To: NANOG <nanog@nanog.org>
In-Reply-To: <CAJAdsDkbSSMkHsS4PdSp3RWhv+_uCq4EOiSZkkAThrwCoJ0AsA@mail.gmail.com>
Reply-To: jgoodwin@studio442.com.au
Errors-To: nanog-bounces+nanog.discuss=bloom-picayune.mit.edu@nanog.org
Another (somewhat cheaper) Juniper option if you meet its limits is the
EX[34]200's which now do GRE in hardware:
On 19/01/13 05:36, PC wrote:
> mx80 (or similar) or ASR. The MX would probably be my preference for just
> pushing huge amounts of GRE packets and scales nicely in a single box
> solution.
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Christopher Morrow <
> morrowc.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 12:51 PM, A. Pishdadi <apishdadi@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Can anyone recommend a device that will allow for multiple gigabit gre
>>> tunnels with ability to handle up to a million pps?
>>> I know it can be done on a bsd or nix box , or something running junos
>> but
>>> Im looking for something specifically made and tailored for GRE tunnels.
>> dedicate an MPC on an MX box? 10gbps of gre, weee!