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Re: Linux shaping packet loss

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Michael Holstein)
Thu Dec 10 11:00:50 2009

Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:00:08 -0500
From: Michael Holstein <michael.holstein@csuohio.edu>
To: Chris <chris@ghostbusters.co.uk>
In-Reply-To: <c8a7026b0912100449q9f83e2ctbf8a1bf4662e1ac@mail.gmail.com>
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Errors-To: nanog-bounces+nanog.discuss=bloom-picayune.mit.edu@nanog.org

> What's good for really cheap gigabit, redundant, high throughput 

Well .. I'd say you could pick any two of those and come up with a list
.. but we use Packeteer (now owned by Bluecoat) to great success. It
fails the first requirement miserably, IMHO, though.

I've also used these in a MDU setting, but certainly not at gigabit
speeds : http://www.netequalizer.com/nda.htm

They claim models are available up to 5gbps ($11k). 1gbps is ~$9k.


Michael Holstein
Cleveland State University

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