[119982] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: Historical traceroute logging
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Alex Aster)
Sun Dec 6 15:26:10 2009
In-Reply-To: <4B18223E.4050805@justinshore.com>
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 21:25:07 +0100
From: Alex Aster <rusnginx@gmail.com>
To: Justin Shore <justin@justinshore.com>
Cc: NANOG list <nanog@nanog.org>
Errors-To: nanog-bounces+nanog.discuss=bloom-picayune.mit.edu@nanog.org
Hello Justin,
I would like to recommend the web service
http://www.wipmania.com/en/tools/for your needs.
There are traceroutes and pings from multiple points around the world. The
trace results also display the AS path, visual distance and the slow
Periodical checking will be available soon. At the moment, it can be made
with own bash-script and permanent link to results.
Regards, Alex
2009/12/3 Justin Shore <justin@justinshore.com>
> Does anyone know of any tools that can do repeated traceroutes over time to
> a remote IP and log the results for later viewing/comparison? I'd like to
> do a traceroute several times a day and store the details in CVS or
> somewhere accessible down the road. Alerting to major path changes would be
> nice but not critical. The ability to compare traceroute output down the
> road would also be nice but also not critical. I'm more interested in the
> path than the individual hops' RTTs.
> What's prompting this is a major change in RTTs for several hours yesterday
> to an ITSP with a site in the south. We share a common upstream (L3) and
> have in the past always transited that provider to get to each other. I
> showed a route change for the specific /23 in question in my border routers'
> RIBs. The adjacent /23 originating from the same ITSP but in a different
> part of the country did not change (and neither did RTTs to the hosts we
> monitor in that /23). The site claimed nothing changed on their end and
> that they know of no changes upstream. BGP Play shows a route change from
> Level3 to Internap during the time in question (thought the times don't line
> up exactly) which most likely caused the more than double RTTs we were
> seeing. My Cacti Advanced Ping graphs caught the problem in all its glory.
> Nagios alerted me to the high RTT times as well. What I didn't get during
> that period of time was a traceroute to the site in question.
> I'd like to run a traceroute several times a day and find some way to store
> the output and work with it later if needed. I'd prefer OSS but commercial
> apps would be considered too. I'm sure I'm not the first to have a need to
> check traceroutes like that. How do the rest of you handle it?
> Thanks
> Justin