[22968] in im locker bugs

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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (All Max-Export Co. Ltd)
Thu Jul 4 22:06:20 2024

Reply-To: allmax.group@yandex.com
From: All Max-Export Co. Ltd <allmax.group@yandex.com>
To: bug-im@mit.edu
Date: 4 Jul 2024 19:05:16 -0700


<meta http-equiv=3D"X-UA-Compatible" content=3D"IE=3Dedge">
<body style=3D"margin: 0.4em;">Hello Dear<br>&nbsp;<br>I want to make an in=
quiry about your products and we would like to confirm the price list and i=
f your company can supply to us the product we desire<br>&nbsp;<br>I await =
your reply thanks<br>Best regards<br>&nbsp;<br>All Max-Export Co. Ltd<br>Co=
ntact Person: Rosy miller<br>Email: <a href=3D"mailto:allmax.group@yandex.c=
om">allmax.group@yandex.com</a><br>Phone: +356 (419) 52 1080<br>Fax: +356 (=
419) 522 185<br>
Business Address: 1485 Lexington Avenue<br>Mansfield, Valieta, 44907 Malta<=

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