[3402] in BarnOwl Developers
Re: Non-MIT access to barnowl's issue tracker
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (seph)
Wed May 1 23:49:21 2013
From: seph <seph@MIT.EDU>
To: Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@ldpreload.com>
Cc: barnowl-dev@mit.edu
Date: Wed, 01 May 2013 23:45:54 -0400
In-Reply-To: <alpine.DEB.2.00.1305011054010.28594@tyger.mit.edu> (Geoffrey
Thomas's message of "Wed, 1 May 2013 10:56:16 -0700 (PDT)")
Not that I'm a developer here, but I generally find trac painful in
every way. And if you've already moved most things over to github, you
may as well finish.
If you care, trac stores everything in a pretty simple database. Doing a
one time migration to github is pretty clean. github appears to be down
right now, but the code I wrote when I had to do this migration is
Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@ldpreload.com> writes:
> I don't know of a terribly good way to enable Trac access to the
> outside world and avoid the usual spam etc. problems, so since we're
> already using Github for code hosting and pull requests, I'd like to
> move all our Trac tickets to Github Issues and deprecate the Trac
> issue tracker. (Possibly moving the wiki content to Github would also
> be worthwhile.)
> Is this sane, insane, etc.?