[6000] in APO-L
APO-L: Pledges and Officers
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Stephen Curry)
Mon Apr 19 15:38:46 1993
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 14:26:19 CDT
Reply-To: Stephen Curry <SCURRY@TRINITY.EDU>
From: Stephen Curry <SCURRY@TRINITY.EDU>
To: Multiple recipients of list APO-L <APO-L@PURCCVM.BITNET>
Delta Pi chapter at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas announces
the election of Fall, 1993 officers:
President: Cheryl Kallweit Membership VP: David Borgmeyer
Administrative VP: Angela Anderson Treasurer: Megan Madigan
Service VP: Tami Luedtke Fellowship VP: Kevin Petroff
Also, eleven pledges were inducted on Sunday as full members.
Stephen A. Curry Trinity University
SCURRY@TRINITY.EDU 715 Stadium Drive
210-736-7453 San Antonio, Texas 78212