[38458] in APO-L

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Subscription probe and general information for APO-L

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (LISTSERV@listserv.iupui.edu)
Thu Apr 19 06:00:08 2012

Date:         Thu, 19 Apr 2012 06:00:02 -0400
From: LISTSERV@listserv.iupui.edu
To: Alpha Chi Chapter <apo-l-incoming@mit.edu>

Thu, 19 Apr 2012 06:00:02

This message is a "probe" for your subscription to the APO-L list. You do
not need  to take  any action to  remain subscribed to  the list,  and in
particular you should  not reply to this message. Simply  discard it now,
or  read on  if  you would  like  to  know more  about  how this  probing
mechanism works. A recap of key  information about APO-L is also found at
the bottom  of this message,  complete with instructions  for subscribing
and unsubscribing.

First, here's the techincal "probe" stuff:

A  "probe"  is a  message  like  the one  you  are  reading, sent  to  an
individual subscriber  and tagged  with a  special signature  to uniquely
identify  this  particular  subscriber  (you can  probably  not  see  the
signature because it is in the  mail headers). If the subscriber's e-mail
address is no longer valid, the  message will be returned to LISTSERV and
the faulty  address will be  removed from  the list. If  the subscriber's
address is still valid, the message will not bounce and the user will not
be deleted.

The main advantage  of this technique is that it  can be fully automated;
the list owner does not need to read a single delivery error. For a large
or active  list, the manpower  savings can  be tremendous. In  fact, some
lists are  so large that it  is virtually impossible to  process delivery
errors manually. Another advantage is that the special, unique signatures
make it possible to accurately process delivery errors that are otherwise
unintelligible, even to an experienced technical person.

The  drawback,  however,  is  that  this  method  lacks  flexibility  and
forgiveness. Since the Internet does not provide a reliable mechanism for
probing an  e-mail address without  actually delivering a message  to the
human  recipient, the  subscribers  need to  be  inconvenienced with  yet
another "junk message." And, unlike  a human list owner, LISTSERV follows
a number of  simple rules in determining when and  whether to terminate a

In particular,  a common problem  with automatic probes is  mail gateways
that return a delivery error, but do deliver the message anyway. LISTSERV
has no way  to know that the  message was in fact delivered,  and in most
cases the subscriber is not aware of the existence of these "false" error
reports. If this  happens to you, LISTSERV will send  you another message
with a copy of  the delivery error returned by your  mail system, so that
you can show it to your technical people.


Now, as promised,  here's the recap of key points  about APO-L and common
commands, such as how to unsubscribe if you wish to leave the list during
aacademic breaks or when graduating. (Not that I'm pushing! And if you do
leave temporarily, be sure to come back!)

And with that said, you've been probed. Didn't hurt a bit, did it?


Charlie Zimmerman APO-L Moderator charliez@aol.com


APO-L:  For Alpha  Phi Omega,  a  service oriented  fraternity which  has
chapters on many campuses in the  United States. The list will provide an
opportunity  for members  to  compare notes  on  their chapters,  discuss
organizational issues and communicate with members at distant chapters.

APO-L is  an unofficial  list and  the postings  reflect the  opinions of
individuals and not the official policy of Alpha Phi Omega. The list does
not  take the  place  of normal  lines of  communication  within the  the
fraternity, though it may be used to supplement official channels.

To send  a message to the  list, send mail to  APO-L@IUPUI.EDU - Messages
should be sent in plain text format  only - no HTML - Attachments are not

Please note that messages from non-subscribers and new members are routed
to the list moderator for approval. All new members will be automatically
granted full posting privileges shortly  after joining; no further action
is required for this to take place.

::COMMANDS -send all commands to LISTSERV@IUPUI.EDU -do not send commands
to APO-L -send commands interactively or by placing them in the body of a
mail message with no subject line  or other text -commands can be grouped
in a single message by placing each command on a separate line

Here are some  useful commands: SUBscribe APO-L <full  name> REVIEW APO-L
{receive a  list of  APO-L subscribers}  INDEX APO-L  {receive a  list of
files available to  APO-L users} GET APO-L * {have  the LISTSERV send the
file APO-L whatever(*)}  UNSUB APO-L {sign off of APO-L}  HELP {receive a
list of LISTSERV commands}

::DIGEST MODE If  the number of messages from APO-L  is overwhelming, you
can  choose  to receive  each  day's  postings  as  a single  message  or
'digest'. To get the list in digest form, send the command:


to LISTSERV@IUPUI.EDU after you have subscribed to the list.

To return to receiving the messages individually, use the command:


::CHANGING YOUR  ADDRESS If you want  to change the e-mail  address where
APO-L  is sent,  you can  (1) unsubscribe  and resubscribe  with the  new
address, (2)  use the web-based  tool mentioned below,  or (3) send  me a
note at the address above and I'll take care of it for you.

access online subscriber controls (as well as list archives) at:


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