[6582] in java-interest

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Re: unsubscribe

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (John Merrick)
Thu Apr 4 13:05:26 1996

Date:         Thu, 4 Apr 1996 18:24:18 +0000
From: John Merrick <john@HARTLEY.CO.UK>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST

> > No offense to anyone as we all have to learn things in stride, but I've
> > never been on a list where so many members seem to be uninformed on how
> > to unsubscribe. And I'm on lists that sometimes church out 100 messages a
> > day... Everyone *did* get the initial instructions that came with your
> > subscriptions, RIGHT?

Have you tried those "Initial Instructions" that *did* come when you
subscribe. I have been using those in "Initial Instructions" to get
off this list about 20 time. And i still F*****g here, i get message
back saying the list has moves, even tried those. Still here, if i
dont get it sorted out than i will get my mail server to bounce all
mail back to the list cause i dont want them anymore.

So please please please enlighten me on how to get off this list
cause those "Initial Instructions" sure dont work.

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