[6572] in java-interest
Re: unsubscribe
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Cees de Groot)
Thu Apr 4 11:30:16 1996
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:33:02 +0200
From: Cees de Groot <C.deGroot@INTER.NL.NET>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 04 Apr 1996 08:47:31 CDT."
> No offense to anyone as we all have to learn things in stride, but I've
> never been on a list where so many members seem to be uninformed on how
> to unsubscribe. And I'm on lists that sometimes church out 100 messages a
> day... Everyone *did* get the initial instructions that came with your
> subscriptions, RIGHT?
At least in my case, LISTSERV refused to take me from the list (complaining I
was not on it, although I clearly am). Possibly other people have the same
trouble, and start shouting on the list.
I'm contemplating sending Sun bills for my fetching of these unsollicited
Cees de Groot <C.deGroot@inter.NL.net>
OpenLink Software, Inc.