[6570] in java-interest
Re: easy question
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (tahmed)
Thu Apr 4 11:14:09 1996
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 10:53:17 -0500
From: tahmed <tahmed@ON.BELL.CA>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
In-Reply-To: <1.5.4b13.32.19960404150356.006aad74@escpi.cnam.fr>
> I am a beginner with java. I created a litte applet in an HTML file.
> But it doesn't work, because doesn't find the class I use.
> (I didn't use JDK, but I have).
> where do I have to take that class?
> Can anybody help me?
Well netscape is going to look in the directory where your html
file was, unless you specify the codebase as to where the class files
are located.
+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Tariq Ahmed - Bell Sygma Telecom Solutions=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+
160 Elgin St. Room 250. Ottawa, Ontario. K2P 2C4. (613)781-9820 F:238-7772
inet: tahmed@on.bell.ca IIS: TAHMED HomePage: http://cygnus.igs.net/ratt/