[6568] in java-interest

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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (John D. Kane)
Thu Apr 4 10:53:27 1996

Date:         Thu, 4 Apr 1996 10:49:00 PST
From: "John D. Kane" <john@INSIGHTNEWS.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST

[The following are the original instructions you received when you
subscribed to this list, telling you how to unsubscribe. If you've lost
them, then please, KEEP this copy in case you ever subscribe and then want
to unsubscribe (or unsubscibe, unsuscribe, etc) ever again.]

Welcome to the java-interest mailing list!

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
send the following command in email to


Or you can send mail to "majordomo@java.sun.com" with the following command
in the body of your email message:

    unsubscribe java-interest "Your Alias" <id@Address>

[ ie. Joe Blow, as he is known on the news groups, is subscribed to this
list and his email address is joe@workplace.com. To unsubscribe he would
send in the body of the email message:
unsubscribe java-interest "Joe Blow" joe@workplace.com]

Here's the general information for the list you've
subscribed to, in case you don't already have it:

***java-interest@java.sun.com mailing list***

This is a mailing list for people interested in Sun's Java(tm) programming
language.  Subscribers to this list are interested in the definition and
use of the language, independent of the HotJava(tm) WWW browser.  Postings
concerning the HotJava browser should be directed to the alt.www.hotjava
newsgroup or the hotjava-interest@java.sun.com mailing list.

The Java-related mailing lists on java.sun.com are being deemphasized in
favor of existing Java-related newsgroups.  All mail to java-interest (and
hence java-interest-digest) is automatically forwarded to comp.lang.java,
a newsgroup intended for the discussion of Sun's Java programming language.
The converse is not true: news to comp.lang.java is not forwarded to the
mailing list.  If you can read comp.lang.java, we strongly encourage you
to do so and to *not* subscribe to the java-interest mailing list.

To subscribe send the word "subscribe" in the BODY of a message to

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