[6567] in java-interest

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Re: Trouble in Java land

Thu Apr 4 10:42:30 1996

Apparently-To: java-interest@JAVASOFT.COM
Date:         Thu, 4 Apr 1996 10:28:45 EST
From: "Rick LeVine, Digital, 603-881-2631 04-Apr-1996 1023"
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST


Much as I am averse to adding to the bulk of non-technical
JAVA mail, I feel compelled to ask a question:

Is there not some better way to do this than by using MAIL?

Text-based conferencing tools have been around for DECades   ;^)

There must be some WEB-frontended conferencing tools, where you can post
questions and answers by mailing to some server, and read the stuff at
will by browsing.

Even existing CHAT tools would serve this purpose, and would eliminate
getting hundreds and hundreds of messages a week needlessly.

I am going to assume something like that exists and begin by looking for it.
Please feel free to join me in my search!


Rick LeVine
Principal Software Engineer
Digital Equipment Corporation

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