[6537] in java-interest
Re: writeBytes() fails with Netscape 2.0
Wed Apr 3 13:47:11 1996
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 23:56:51 +0200
From: Cedric NICOLAS <cnicolas@FISYSTEM.FR>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
At 13:52 01/04/1996 -0500, you wrote:
>I am facing a strange problem.. I have a service running
>on Windows-NT and an applet that needs to open a socket
>connection to it and then read from and write to the
>DataInputStream and DataOutputStream resply. of that
>Everything goes on well when I run the applet using the
>appletviewer (on NT and Solaris) and the Netscape 2.0
>on NT. But when I try to run it using Netscape 2.0 on
>Solaris 2.4, I get an exception for the writeBytes()
>call. The message of the exception is "Invalid argument".
We faced the same problem few days ago. We solved by using exactly the same
IP adress in our Socket open connection. You can't use a standard URL with
Netscape because the security protection bundled in, avoiding connections to
other servers than the one from which come the applet, doesn't translate it
to an IP adress before establishing the connection.
So use the exact IP adress of your NT server in your applet and it will be OK