[6536] in java-interest
Re: Take Sun's Java hype with a grain of salt.
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Hahn Kyu Chung)
Wed Apr 3 13:38:20 1996
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 12:36:15 -0600
From: Hahn Kyu Chung <hchung@CEMS.UMN.EDU>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
In-Reply-To: <3162AB29@msmail.catalink.com.> from "Aronson,
John A.," at Apr 3, 96 11:35:00 am
> I think Sun got a little too cute when they decided to make Java "better"
> and "simpler" than C++.
> Weirdest thing I've noticed so far about Java is Sun's claim that there
> are no pointers in Java. It seems more like everything is a pointer in
> Java. If you declare an object variable and fail to use the 'new'
> operator you get a null pointer exception. Sounds like pointer to me. Why
> does 'new' exist in a laguage without pointers in the first place? Why
> can't you simply declare an instance like this?
> Color myColor(33, 66, 99);
> For me, Java is undeniable useful because of it's portability, but it's
> claims to be a superior language is just a load of hype.
> John Aronson
In Java, all variables are references (except for simple types such as
If there were pointers you could take an array pointer and overwrite
unintented areas of memory.
Hahn Kyu Chung e-mail: hchung@cems.umn.edu
phone: (612) 626-0712
fax: (612) 626-7246