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Re: Simple File IO

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (tahmed)
Mon Apr 1 22:12:00 1996

Date:         Mon, 1 Apr 1996 13:41:53 -0500
From: tahmed <tahmed@ON.BELL.CA>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
In-Reply-To:  <199603260100.SAA08625@maple.enet.net>

> See http://java.sun.com/tutorial/networking/urls/readingWriting.html in the
> tutorial for a description of transmission of data from a user to a server
        Agh! Ok, I can get stuff no problem. But putting stuff. The
cgi is never even getting ran. Is there some kind of security thing
I have to be aware of. In Java:

URL open_URL = new URL("http://webserver.bla/cgi-bin/update");
URLConnection open_URLConnection = open_URL.openConnection();
PrintStream dos = new PrintStream(open_URLConnection.getOutputStream());

        And like I just create a file regardless of info in the
cgi program. And if I directly access the url in the browser, sure
enough it creates the file. Doing it in java, nothing happens.
And that chunk of code must get entered too, because there's some other
stuff that I do that does what it's supposed to do.


+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Tariq Ahmed - Bell Sygma Telecom Solutions=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+
 160 Elgin St. Room 250. Ottawa, Ontario. K2P 2C4. (613)781-9820 F:238-7772
 inet: tahmed@on.bell.ca  IIS: TAHMED  HomePage: http://cygnus.igs.net/ratt/

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