[6506] in java-interest
Re: Multidimensional Arrays
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Robson C. Cozendey)
Mon Apr 1 21:13:22 1996
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 11:40:19 -0300
From: "Robson C. Cozendey" <robson@UENF.BR>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
In-Reply-To: <315C4D7C.50B9@postoffice.ptd.net> from "Lou Fasulo" at Mar 29,
96 03:52:12 pm
> I am writing a program where I need a multidimensional array. I
> realize that Java does not support this but you can simulate it with
> the:
> type varname[][]
> However, when I try to declare and initialize it I get a
> statement expected error.
> I would like to create a loop that initializes an 8x8 matrix
> with different values for each "location" How can I do this??
> You can reply directly to me at:
> fasulol@postoffice.ptd.net
> Thanks
> -----
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You can declare that like it:
type [][] varname;
...and instantiate that like it:
varname = new type[8][8];