[6504] in java-interest
Re: Simple File IO (fwd)
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (tahmed)
Mon Apr 1 20:54:15 1996
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:39:38 -0500
From: tahmed <tahmed@ON.BELL.CA>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
> Agh! Ok, I can get stuff no problem. But putting stuff. The
>cgi is never even getting ran. Is there some kind of security thing
>I have to be aware of. In Java:
I looked at the Java console. I'm getting:
IOException: java.net.UnkownServiceException: protocol doesn't
support output.
What is the problem here!
+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Tariq Ahmed - Bell Sygma Telecom Solutions=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+
160 Elgin St. Room 250. Ottawa, Ontario. K2P 2C4. (613)781-9820 F:238-7772
inet: tahmed@on.bell.ca IIS: TAHMED HomePage: http://cygnus.igs.net/ratt/