[6500] in java-interest
writeBytes() fails with Netscape 2.0
Mon Apr 1 05:14:55 1996
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 13:52:49 -0500
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
I am facing a strange problem.. I have a service running
on Windows-NT and an applet that needs to open a socket
connection to it and then read from and write to the
DataInputStream and DataOutputStream resply. of that
Everything goes on well when I run the applet using the
appletviewer (on NT and Solaris) and the Netscape 2.0
on NT. But when I try to run it using Netscape 2.0 on
Solaris 2.4, I get an exception for the writeBytes()
call. The message of the exception is "Invalid argument".
One more point of interest is that the same writeBytes()
call (and its variants) run without any problem if the
service is also running on Solaris 2.4.
To sumarize, using Netscape 2.0 on Solaris 2.4
write() variants fail if
Applet has to connect to a NT service
write() variants work if
Applet has to connect to a Solaris service
(Ofcourse, the service is running on the applet-host).
Is there a work-around?
Thanks and Regards,
T. Rama Kumar ph: 91-80-2210818
Wipro Systems e-mail: trk@bilbo.wipsys.soft.net
40/1A,Lavelle Road
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