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Re: Your request to sign off the JAVA-INTEREST list

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lee Collins)
Mon Apr 1 04:51:51 1996

Date:         Mon, 1 Apr 1996 02:43:19 -0600
From: Lee Collins <spacely@XSITE.NET>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST

Where can I find out how to start a mailing list?
I think someone should start one - i'll try it.

At 12:56 PM 3/31/96 -0800, Arthur van Hoff wrote:
>Hi Cay,
>> Let me also say that I think this mailing list was a stupid idea in the
>> first place and has gotten to the point of self-destruction. I joined,
>> reluctantly, when Arthur van Hoff told me in no uncertain terms that the
>> Java group wasn't about to join the hoi polloi on comp.lang.java--they only
>> read the mailing list. Clearly a moderated news group is a better
>> distribution channel for this information.
>I have always enjoyed reading this mailing list, but since I have left Sun
>it has deteriorated into useless gibberish. It's a shame because it used
>to be a useful medium for quickly getting technical questions answered,
>the quality use to be fairly high.
>I'm afraid I can offer no help. My advice is to change your email address,
>buy a Java book and sulk. This will be my last message to this list unless
>it gets moderated.
>PS: Maybe someone should start a properly moderated mailing list for Java
>enthusiasts. I'd sign up for that!
>Have fun,
>        Arthur van Hoff
>Suite 3, 345 California Avenue, Palo Alto CA 94306
>415-328 JAVA (main), 415-328 5283 (direct), 415-328 5295 (fax)
>This message has been forwarded via the JAVA-INTEREST
>mailing list.  In order to unsubscribe from this list, send a message to
>listserv@javasoft.com with the command 'signoff JAVA-INTEREST' in
>the message body (not in the subject line).

class LeeCollins
extends JavaDeveloper
implements IllustriousJavaCode
        final static String organization = "Spacely Text and Binary
Goods Inc.";
        final static String emailAddress = "Spacely@XSite.net";
        final static String phoneNumber =  "312/684-4444";

This message has been forwarded via the JAVA-INTEREST
mailing list.  In order to unsubscribe from this list, send a message to
listserv@javasoft.com with the command 'signoff JAVA-INTEREST' in
the message body (not in the subject line).

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