[6493] in java-interest
Re: Your request to sign off the JAVA-INTEREST list
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Stephan Vladimir Bugaj)
Sun Mar 31 23:20:54 1996
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 18:27:37 -0800
From: Stephan Vladimir Bugaj <stephan@CMDESIGNS.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
Indeed, this list does need moderation. Perhaps someone can force a Sun
employee to take on this task, or
else do it themselves. If we get a decent listserver set up here, perhaps
I'll do it.
In any case, if the unsubscribe function on the listserver is broken a
temporary fix for anyone who wants
to stem the massive flow of mail is to make a kill file (which I've done
under Elm, and assume can be done under Pine as well). If you are using
Eudora like I am, you can simply make a filtering rule that deletes all
messages coming from this list.
With the massive amount of crap coming through here, it is almost too much
work, but you can filter out a lot of the real garbage by applying such
rules as if SUBJECT (contains) Repeated messages (then) delete.
(or as this thread inevitably goes awry if SUBJECT (contains) request to
sign off (then) delete.)
If someone does start a moderated java tech list please post an
announcement to this list, maybe it won't
get lost in the spew.
- Stephan
Stephan Vladimir Bugaj, Senior Research Programmer
Studio Archetype (formerly Clement Mok designs)
600 Townsend St., Penthouse San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 703-8748 (vox) (415) 703-0711 (fax)
official: stephan@cmdesigns.com http://www.cmdesigns.com
personal: sbugaj@catch22.com http://www.catch22.com/~sbugaj
SRL: stephan@srl.org http://www.srl.org
obligatory statistics at catch22.com website
Statements made in private email and usenet news are my private views
and are not necessarily the views of Studio Archetype, nor any other
organization with which I am affiliated, nor Elvis.
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mailing list. In order to unsubscribe from this list, send a message to
listserv@javasoft.com with the command 'signoff JAVA-INTEREST' in
the message body (not in the subject line).
This message has been forwarded via the JAVA-INTEREST
mailing list. In order to unsubscribe from this list, send a message to
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